Company APIs


Returns information for the users company.


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/getcompanyinfo?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad

Example Response

    "contactemail": "",
    "color1": "#666",
    "color2": "#777",
    "customconfirmationpage": "",
    "contactperson": "John Doe Olsen",
    "contactphone": "11223311",
    "id": "5512990262",
    "country": "NO",
    "customemailtemplate": "ATT: %ReceiverEmail%From: %SenderEmail%  We have sent you %FileCount% file(s). 
              You can access them from %DownloadLink%  Contact sender to receive a password if the downloadpage 
              requires it.  %UploadDescription%   The following files has been sent: %FileList%   These files 
              will be available until %ExpireDate%.  Best regards, %CompanyName%",
    "defaultreceiveremail": "",
    "defaultreceiveremaillist": "['']",
    "domain": "",
    "postaddress": "Unittestbygda 33",
    "streetaddress": "Unittestveien 16E",
    "invoicereferenceperson": "unittest reference",
    "numberofuserlicences": 10,
    "invoiceemail": "",
    "postnumber": "1232",
    "expiredate": 1351855771,
    "name": "Test Company 33",
    "website": "",
    "textonuploadpage": "Dummy Uploader Title - 123",
    "sendInvoiceByEmail": false
  "responsestatus": "OK"


Updates information for a company. Must be invoked by company admin.


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • name - Text - Name of company. Optional.

  • domain - Text - Domain name of the company (corresponding to email addresses). E.g.'' Optional.

  • website - Text - Website of the company E.g.'' Optional.

  • contactperson - Text - Contact Person of the company. Optional.

  • contactphone - Text - Contact Phone of the company. Optional.

  • contactemail - Text - Contact Email of the company. Optional.

  • invoicename - Text - Company name on the invoice. Optional.

  • invoicereferenceperson - Text - Reference person of company for invoices. Optional.

  • invoiceemail - Text - Email address where invoices are sent. Optional.

  • invoiceorgno - Text - Organization number of the company. Optional.

  • sendInvoiceByEmail - Bool - Optional.

  • streetaddress - Text - Optional.

  • postaddress - Text - Optional.

  • postnumber - Text - (ZIP code). Optional.

  • country - Text - 2 character country code. E.g. "CA" for Canada. Optional.

  • customemailtemplate - Text - Template for the email sent to the recipient. Optional.

    The following placeholder keywords are supported:

  • customemailincomingtemplate - Text - Template for the email received via Incoming page. Optional.

    The following placeholder keywords are supported:

  • customconfirmationemail - Text - Template for the email sent to the sender (confirming files have been sent). Optional.

    The following placeholder keywords are supported:

  • customincomingconfirmationemail - Text - Template for the email sent to the sender (confirming files have been sent). Optional.

    The following placeholder keywords are supported:

  • defaultReceiverEmail - Text - The default recipient in the incoming transfer page. Optional.

  • textonincomingtransferpage - Text - Custom text displayed on the incoming transfer page. Optional.

  • incomingdownloadnotifications - Bool - The sender will be notified when files sent to the company are downloaded. Optional.

  • incomingemailconfirmationtosender - Bool - The sender will get a confirmation email when files are sent to the company. Optional.

  • incomingcustomcss - Text - Custom CSS for the Incoming page. Optional.

  • incomingcustomjavascript - Text - Custom JS code used on the Incoming page. Optional.

  • incomingtitle - Text - Custom title on the Incoming page. Optional.

  • customconfirmationpage - Text - Url where the user is redirected to after sending files to the company. Optional.

  • customdownloadurl - Text - Custom base url where the the files can be downloaded. Requires adding IntegratedDownloader component on that page. Optional.

  • downloadpagecustomjavascript - Text - Custom JS used on download page. Optional.

  • downloadpagecustomcss - Text - Custom CSS used on download page. Optional.

  • footertext - Text - Footer text (Filemail web pages and emails). Optional.

  • preventbackgroundimages - Bool - Disable background images. Optional.

  • showmd5ondownloadpage - Bool - Show MD5 hashes on download page. Optional.

  • showftplink - Bool - Show FTP links on download page. Optional.

  • showtorrentlink - Bool - Show torrent links on download page. Optional.

  • showsharinglink - Bool - Show sharing links on download page. Optional.

  • showthumbs - Bool - Show thumbnails in emails and on download page. Optional.

  • maxthumbs - Number - Max number of thumbnails to show. Optional.

  • buttonscolor - Text - HEX color of buttons background (Filemail website and emails). Include the leading #. Optional.

  • buttonstextcolor - Text - HEX color of text inside buttons (Filemail website and emails). Useful when using light-colored buttons background. Include the leading #. Optional.

  • hideintercomondownloadpage - Bool - Hide Intercom component (bottom right corner) on download page. Optional.

  • requireloginonreceived - Bool - Require logging in on the download page for received transfers. Optional.

  • transferrecoveryenabled - Bool - Suggest transfer recovery when transfer expired and it is still recoverable. Optional.

  • showallrecipients - Bool - show all transfer recipients (CC) in emails and on download page. Optional.

  • twofactorauthentication - Text [None, Email, Sms] - Controls password delivery for received transfers. None - disables 2-factor authentication for received transfers. Email or Sms - enables it. Password is delivered via Email or Sms. Optional.

  • twofactorauthenticationoutgoing - Text [None, Email, Sms] - Controls password delivery for sent transfers. None - disables 2-factor authentication for sent transfers. Email or Sms - enables it. Password is delivered via Email or Sms. Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/company/update?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &companyname=NewNameCorp&country=SE&backgroundcolor=%23dcdcdc

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"


Gets all users belonging to a company. Must be invoked by company admin.


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/company/user/getall?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad

Example Response

  "users": [
      "maxdownloads": 9999,
      "maxdays": 90,
      "maxtransfersize": 107374182400,
      "membershipname": "Company",
      "defaultnotify": true,
      "defaultdays": 10,
      "defaultconfirmation": true,
      "defaultdownloads": 20,
      "name": "John UnitTest Doe",
      "email": "",
      "signature": "my test signature",
      "country": "NO",
      "newsletter": true,
      "created": 1351068862,
      "companyname": "UnitTest Company",
      "companyid": "3455584414",
      "companyadmin": true,
      "forcepasswordonincoming": false
      "maxdownloads": 9999,
      "maxdays": 90,
      "maxtransfersize": 107374182400,
      "membershipname": "Company",
      "defaultnotify": true,
      "defaultdays": 10,
      "defaultconfirmation": true,
      "defaultdownloads": 20,
      "name": "John UnitTest Doe",
      "email": "",
      "signature": "my test signature",
      "country": "NO",
      "newsletter": true,
      "created": 1351068862,
      "companyname": "UnitTest Company",
      "companyid": "3455584414",
      "companyadmin": false,
      "forcepasswordonincoming": false
  "responsestatus": "OK"


Adds new user to company. Must be invoked by company admin.


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • email - Text - Required.

  • name - Text - Required.

  • password - Text - Required.

  • role - Text - Supported values: User Admin AdminOnly (can only administer the company, can't send or receive files). Required.

  • mobilephone - Text - User mobile phone. Optional.

  • sendemail - Bool - Send email with password after user is created. Optional. Default: true

  • canreceivefiles - Bool - If user can receive files (included in recipient list on the Incoming page). Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/company/user/add?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"


Updates company user. Must be invoked by company admin.


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • useremail - Text - Email of the user to update. Required.

  • email - Text - New email address of user. Optional.

  • mobilephone - Text - New mobile phone of user. Optional.

  • name - Text - New name of user. Optional.

  • signature - Text - New signature of user. Optional.

  • password - Text - New password of user. Optional.

  • country - Text (NO etc.) - New country of user. Optional.

  • defaultnotify - True/False - New default notify value of user. Optional.

  • defaultconfirmation - True/False - New default confirmation value of user. Optional.

  • defaultdownloads - Number - New default downloads value of user. Optional.

  • defaultdays - Number - New default days value of user. Optional.

  • defaultsubject - Text - New default subject value of user. Optional.

  • role - Text - Supported values: User Admin AdminOnly (can only administer the company, can't send or receive files). Optional.

  • forcepassword - True/False - forces people to specify additional password when sending files to the given user through the company's transfer page. Optional.

  • canreceivefiles - True/False - specifies whether the user can receive files or not (on the incoming transfer page). Optional.

  • active - True/False - User is removed if active is set to false. Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/company/user/add?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"